1. You’re qualified both as a solicitor of Hong Kong and an attorney of the State of New York and has experience advising clients on the formation and ongoing operation of alternative investment funds. When did you decide to focus on the structuring, formation and operation of alternative investment products? How does qualifying in New York help your career development?
My decision to focus on this space was not a straightforward one! My career in investment funds started at the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, where I focused mainly on the regulation of retail investment products such as mutual funds and exchange traded funds. I wanted to gain more exposure to the commercial and operational aspects of fund houses, and so moved back into private practice. It was during this time that I decided to focus on alternatives – I particularly appreciated the flexibility and the broad exposure to different asset classes that comes with structure and formation of alternatives, which I found to be a challenging and engaging area of law to practice.
Qualifying in New York complements my practice area, since a large number of hedge funds have a US nexus. I would say that studying for the New York bar has enabled me to better understand the US legal framework, which has been helpful when dealing with cross-border issues touching on US law.
2. Prior to joining Akin’s London office, you were an associate in the investment funds practice of a leading law firm based in Hong Kong. What advice would you give to aspiring lawyers who are trying to develop an international legal career?
My advice would be to keep pursuing a path that interests you! Sometimes coming from another practice area or jurisdiction can give you new perspectives, which helps you to develop as an all-rounded lawyer. I think it’s also important to stay interested and to keep learning, particularly when you’re navigating new areas of law and cross-border issues.
3. What changes are on the horizon when it comes to institutional investors in connection with their alternative investment activities?
One of the changes that may be on the radar for investment managers are the regulatory changes in the EU and the US – in particular, it’s anticipated that AIFMD II and the SEC’s proposed rules for private funds advisers will be published this year. Another issue on the radar is likely to be any changes to sanctions.